7 melhores locais para celebrar o Natal em 2023

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8.9Pontuação de especialista
Melhores locais para celebrar o Natal
Locais de celebração de Natal
Cidade de Belém, na Cisjordânia
Cidade de Nova York, Estados Unidos
Lapônia da Finlândia
Vaticano da Itália
Praia de Bondi, na Austrália
Amsterdã, Holanda
Irlanda, Dublim

Dezembro é um mês adorável em todo o mundo. À medida que a época do Natal começa, há alegria e entusiasmo. Muitos de nós vivemos em locais iluminados e fantasiamos com terras nevadas repletas de passeios de trenó, chocolate quente e visitas do Papai Noel. Então, quando chegam as férias em dezembro, ansiamos pelas férias natalinas brancas e vermelhas como a neve. 

Nada se compara a explorar novos lugares na época mais feliz do ano. De família conhecida Destinos de férias to charming places with the best Christmas celebrations in the world, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a Hallmark movie. To assist you in attaining maximum festive cheer, we have created a list of some of the top places to travel for Christmas this year. Best Locais de celebração de Natal 2023 are as follows –

Cidade de Belém, na Cisjordânia

You’ve forgotten about Christmas since your life is so hectic. Spend your Christmas holiday in Bethlehem with your family. There is no greater spot to celebrate Christmas than the birthplace of Jesus. It’s an excellent destination to spend your Christmas holiday. Just thinking about Christmas celebrations in Manger Square and the Old City can transport visitors to another world. Christmas is even more magical when spent at St. Catherine’s Church for the Midnight Mass of Bethlehem.

Cidade de Nova York, Estados Unidos

New York City is famous for its colorful Christmas lights, including musical accompaniment and snow covering the region. As one of the best places to celebrate Christmas, the city presents various events and live performances with world-class musicians. The allure of the Rockefeller Center’s tallest Christmas tree is unrivaled. Meandering through the local streets and checking out the unique flea markets set up during the festival are among the most popular activities.

Lapônia da Finlândia

If you enjoy seeing Santa Claus everywhere at this time of year, you should visit Finland’s Arctic Circle. The smiling man in red and white is the most popular person in this city. You can follow him into reindeer forests and watch his elves produce toys. A city is a wonderful place and is the ideal location for a white Christmas. Lapland is one of the nicest destinations to visit during the holidays, and it includes an incredible place called “Santa Park” where you can have fun.

Vaticano da Itália

Vatican City is a great place to visit any time of year, but when it comes to celebrations, it’s hard to find the right words. People go to Vatican City so they can go to the Midnight Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. Many people mark it as a day of remembering and enjoy participating in the festivities. During this season, visitors visit Saint Peter’s Square to see the Vatican Christmas Tree.

Praia de Bondi, na Austrália

É um excelente local para os aventureiros organizarem as suas férias de Natal. Bondi Beach, como ponto de encontro para mochileiros, hospeda eventos fantásticos com um público colorido. Espere apresentações espetaculares de bandas e DJs. Se você quer férias que vão além de belas luzes e canções de natal encantadoras, Bondi Beach pode ser o local ideal para você!

Amsterdã, Holanda

Another fantastic place to spend Christmas in Amsterdam. In early December, every house from the 16th and 17th centuries in Amsterdam is illuminated with shimmering lights to portray the narrative of Sinterklaas, the Dutch term for Santa Claus. Stay till New Year’s Eve and celebrate Christmas at Dam Square or the Nieuwmarkt with champagne and fireworks. Also, take advantage of the opportunity to rejoice with the locals.

Irlanda, Dublim

There are numerous holiday activities available on Dublin’s streets. The Docklands hosts a 12 Days of Christmas Market featuring many pantomimes, holiday decorations, and cheer. The streets of this metropolis have been tastefully beautified using light fluids. Children can attend the elf’s classes. Christmas is a wonderful time of year here.

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8.9Pontuação de especialista
Melhores locais para celebrar o Natal
Locais de celebração de Natal
Cidade de Belém, na Cisjordânia
Cidade de Nova York, Estados Unidos
Lapônia da Finlândia
Vaticano da Itália
Praia de Bondi, na Austrália
Amsterdã, Holanda
Irlanda, Dublim

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